Sunday, December 15, 2013


I had someone once ask me if I "indulge" in fantasies. Really? From the timbre of the voice asking the question, indulge had a negative meaning.  I always looked at the word "indulge" as a good thing. Not like bingeing, more like enjoying, savoring. Fantasies. Then I started wondering didn't everyone have them? If you do, do you view them as good, bad, indifferent, a natural part of life?

As children, I think most of us have them, whether they are understood as fantasies, pretending, or play like . . .

Did you play like when you climbed up a Pecan tree in your backyard and you thought you were Tarzan? Flying, hanging on the vines, living with animals?

 Or did you go swimming in a ditch and pretend you were a fish? Seeing other fish in the ocean and never wanting to go up for air?

Let's play like we're Indians and hunt for our food. Is that a rabbit there? Or just Moose, the cat?

When do pretend and play like change to fantasies? Or do they? What's the definition of being someone you're really not? Is that it? Are you not really you in pretend, or a different you? 

Are fantasies big people's "lets pretend"? 

When you're a big person and the fantasies become "Fantasies!", are they good? Are they fun? Should they be? 

If you're with a lover, is it good to have play like? To pretend? Personally, I think so. That's spiced, saucy, fun. 

If you're with a lover, is it good to have a fantasy? 

To me, fantasy is private,  clandestine, secret, hidden. Longing in the early morning hours. Touching. Making love with an unknown. 

What's the difference? Is there a difference? 

Lets play like . . .