Saturday, December 21, 2013

Am I a writer?

Am I A Writer?

I once had a friend who is a writer. I never perceived myself as one, although he said I was. I thought of myself as more of a commentator, communicator, recapper. But reading his essays and stories inspire me. 

Sometimes I prefer reading to watching movies. When you watch a movie, you are the puppet of the cinematographer, the music composer, the set director, the actors. They decide what emotions you are going to examine. You experience their action, hear their sentiment, see their vision, listen to their words. They dictate what you will feel.

When you read a good writer, there is no scenery to be seen, no adagio or crescendo to hear to know when emotion should be felt. There are no faces seen for tears or smiles. There are only words. Words that summon all these emotions in your mind. Words that come from the pen of the wordsmith. 

A good writer will take you to a beach and you will taste the salt in the air and feel the sand beneath your feet. A good writer will suggest that there are no ghosts, but you will still see them. A good writer will have you see dripping moss from a tree. A good writer will bring you into his writer's mind and you will revel in it. A good writer will take you to the edge and back. 

My friend is such a writer.
Am I a writer?


  1. If you dare ask the Universe such a question you already have your answer,.
