Monday, June 8, 2015


I am really conflicted about this Caitlyn Jenner situation.
* Formerly William Bruce Jenner.
* 1976 Olympic Decathlon Gold Medal Winner.
* Was the Best Athlete in the World
* In the Olympic Hall of Fame
* Photo on the Wheaties Cereal Box
* "Stellar" Acting career
* Nominated for the 1980 Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor for his performance in the film Can't Stop the Music (1980).
* Former Patriarch of the First Family of Reality Television - The Kardashians
All of these accomplishments (prior to the acting thing ;-) ) . All of these accolades. All of these adoring fans. Man needs to be a woman?
Yes! Man needs to be a woman. Man has to be a woman. Man has been a woman in everything but body, until now.
Does Caitlyn Jenner coming into her own affect my life? No. Does it affect your life? Only if you feel the same as Caitlyn has felt her entire life and her transition gives you courage to follow a similar path.
My conflict, maybe you ask? It's not about Bruce Jenner finally becoming Caitlyn Jenner. No. It's about how some of my friends have reacted to Caitlyn Jenner finally becoming herself. I have always known how some of these people feel about others who do not vote the same way they do. I know how prejudiced, bigoted, and homohated some people I know are. I have heard the most horrendous things spoken about a person that none of us knows personally.
My conflict, you ask? It's not about accepting Bruce Jenner finally becoming Caitlyn Jenner, because that does not affect me. It's about Mellie from Texas rejecting her friends, because that does.


  1. I wonder why so many people feel obligated to reject someone's life when it will never affect their own in any way.

    Good writing, Tex. Keep it up.

    1. Rejecting a life is heartbreaking. And to completely denounce a life, unforgivable.

      Thank you, Mike. It has been too long.

  2. Hi Mel,
    I have to tell you, I was appalled at all the crap I saw on FB posted by my "friends". I didn't de-friend anyone over their comments (everyone is entitled), but I did block the ones that made me feel ill.
    The only problem I really had over the whole thing? Bruce was just so damn HOT back in the day.
    And the other problem with the whole thing? He makes a much better looking woman than I do. Damn him.

    1. Yes, Jean, I completely agree with you on both counts. Damn him and damn her. Lol
