Saturday, July 19, 2014

Will You Be My Friend?

I have been on Facebook actively for only a couple of years. I have picked and chosen the "friends" I interact with, not caring to amass a huge group. Only caring that, besides a few relatives and really close, known friends, I "friend" people that I have things in common, things that I'm interested in, and things that turn me on. I send "friend" requests to those whom, even though I may not know them personally, something they have posted, written, or shared has piqued my interest and I would like to find out more about them because they are interesting and intriguing to me.

A couple of weeks ago, I had drinks with people whom I went to school with. Some I have known since we were in dance class together at age three. Several, we started friendships beginning in Elementary school.  A couple, nothing in common except we went to the same school and we may have had a class together. But, one in particular I shared a history with. We made a kick ass 16mm movie when we were in Junior High that was better than some big budget movies made today. We won First Place in the UIL One Act Play contest when we were seventeen. We shared an acting award when we were Seniors. He is a fascinating man. I want to know more about him and his family as a grownup.  He was the only one from that night that I sent a Facebook "Friend" request to.

Unfortunately, and I don't know why I didn't think about this because I am an intelligent woman, I started getting "friend" requests from people from High School. They were his Facebook "friends". I do know who they are and it's not as if I don't like them.  I just do not know them as adults, but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I don't "Confirm" the "friendship". I really don't think, after forty years they think that I am interesting or intriguing.  Maybe, probably, most defiantly it wouldn't matter an iota if I replied or not, but this is what I want to say:

You want to be my friend because a friend of yours who you went to school with a friend of his who went to church with a friend of theirs who went to their wedding with a friend of mine who sang a duet at his funeral with a friend of . . . You don't know me.


  1. I think you can be friends more easily with someone who doesn't know your past than someone who believes they do.

    1. You are right, Michael. Those people who believe they do didn't know me to begin with. I choose to peel back my onion for those whom I think want to see it now.

  2. I'm totally with you about 'friending.' I think people just want to add to their list so that they can show how popular they are. I have no trouble ignoring friend requests from my past.

    1. I have friends who have hundreds of FB "friends" and they know absolutely nothing about them. I am proud to say that I know something personal about each one of mine.
