Friday, June 13, 2014

A Sleep

Their heads share the same pillow; the warmth and soft touch of the linen caresses their cheeks. The white noise of the fan on the bedside table lulls them in their idyllic state. The world is far away and not intruding. They are safe and sound, asleep.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

I Win!

Ok, so I know trying to better one's health should not be a contest. But, damnit, sometimes that is what it takes. I've not smoked in 100+ days and, as those who have smoked know, or those who have broken unhealthy habits know, that's a huge accomplishment. And the counting has been the big deal with me. The counting of days, hours, minutes. The counting of my achievement! My friend, K, quit four days before I did. That's a good thing, right? She should be at 100++ days ahead of me in the health department. When we're together and the subject of smoking comes up, she is the first to say how many days she has been smoke free. But I promise, and I'm not exaggerating here, she has smoked more cigarettes since she "quit" than she did the first five days before she decided to quit. She has asked me why I don't have a smoke every now and again, as she does. I say, I will not put myself through another 100+ days of pure hell, but you, my friend, have to start over with your count. I do not. And I win.